"We all smile in the same language." We all desire the same things, it is just our journeys that differ.
“We all smile in the same language.” We all desire the same things, it is just our journeys that differ.

Walk into a room filled with many people of all different kinds and calmly glance around. Let your eyes curiously scan all that your viewing and allow your mind to absorb it. You will see many different people, all unique in their own way. Some will be wearing different clothes, some will have different interests and different sense of humors, others will be a different ethnic background than ourselves a long with having different religious views. The great aspect about people as a whole is we all are the same in some very defining ways.

“We all smile in the same language.” That quote is one I’ll never forget. It’s become a part of me and the way I view the world. No matter where we are from, we all are similar within ourselves. Each and every one of us no matter who we are, what we wear, the language we speak, or the religion we follow have the craving desire for happiness. We have a compelling engine within us that burns our energy to seek love. We have an urging crave to be accepted by the society we are around. We all want the same things and that’s what makes us similar; the difference between us all is how we achieve these desires that we hunger for. Nobody wants to live an empty and despairing life, everyone wants to feel and be humbled by the fact that they have a significant purpose to live for and serve.

It is when we as people are in a consuming and draining search for these desires in life that we make our mistakes and have learning experiences. Life is a big, luxurious and somewhat strenuous play. In our own lives, we play the star actor; we are the magnificent sun that owns all of the glory and everyone in our lives are the planets that synchronize an elegant orbit by our massive gravitational pull. We play many different roles in our lives, and that’s when things get interesting, when our plays interact and intertwine with the lives of other people.

We have all had our hearts agonizingly ripped from our chests and our emotions tossed away from us, being shattered. We all have had hurtful words penetrate and cement themselves into our minds making us feel unworthy. We have all gotten angry due to someone carelessly blowing us off. We have all failed at playing roles in our play called life.  But we ourselves have also stabbed at someone’s emotions and pained their hearts. We ourselves have been the offender whose ailed someone with the breath of our unkindness as well. We have alienated people by ignorantly disregarding their emotions and opinions. It is a two way street. We are so busy trying to fulfill and accomplish aspects and roles in our own plays that we forget we often times play the bad rolls such as heart-breaker or offender in the lives of other people. We are the reasons for people’s negative emotions sometimes, but we are so quick to condemn and have a burning anger for the people who play the negative rolls in our lives. We all, and I mean each and every one of us make mistakes and play different roles whether its in our own lives or other people’s due to our search for what we desire in life and because we still have a lot to learn.

Forgive. Forgive the people who have hurt you and who have scorched your heart in an unpleasant manner, because you have done the same to someone at some point. At some point in time you have hurt someone. You have displeased them due to your lack of experience just as they lack experience as well. We are all learning in this play called life, and we’re going to stumble along the way. We’re going to have our glorifying moments where we feel as if we can conquer the world’s gravest danger, but we also have our negative points, where we drowned in a deep sea, where sharks of sorrow, regret, and anguish consume our flesh and devour our minds. Despite how good of a person each one of us may be, we have hurt someone regretfully. If we deserve forgiveness, so do the others who have caste negativity upon us. Forgive and grow; let the halting and heavy weights off your shoulders to feel the graceful river of happiness and content stream through your veins to fuel your heart and mind. We all indeed want the same aspects and riches for our lives. Sure we go through many different terrains and settings as individuals to achieve these trophies of happiness and love as statures, but we fall a long the way. Forgive and understand people just as they should do the same to you, because in the end we aren’t really as different as we may seem to think. We all desire the same things, it is just our journeys and roads to achieve these things that differentiate us from one another.